Tuesday, 10 January 2012

SixthSense Technology goes Open Source

What is SixthSense Technology?

It is a device which is a mini projector and which can be projected on any surface, it carries the information stored in it and also collects information from the web developed by Pranav Mistry. It is the one which obey hand gestures of yours and gives you what you want to see and know.

This device basically helps us use any object as an interface- the palms of our hand, or a blank wall. The camera interprets the gestures we make. So if we make a gesture with our hands like clicking a photo, the device actually takes a photo. By just pinching your fingers, you can zoom in and out of a map that is displayed, unbelievably enough, on a wall. Even more interestingly, this device not only interprets your gestures, but it also interprets what you are holding in your hands. If you are in a library and you pick up a book, the device instantly searches in an online library and find this particular title, then providing you with editions, book reviews, and other information. Rather than pulling out your Iphone and looking up to see if your flight is delayed, scan this device over your boarding pass and the device looks up the information and flashes it on the boarding pass itself!
You can watch movies, play games or even surf the net using just a blank sheet of paper as an interface. One incredibly useful and striking function is being able to pinch information or pictures from different books and placing it together on one interface- either the computer screen itself, or a paper. The days of cut +copy +paste are long gone!
Some of the things SixthSense may enable us to do:

The unique thing about this technological invention is that rather than just moving forward in the digital world, he has tried to bridge the gap between the technical world and the world that has existed for several centuries already- the physical world.

Easy to Draw: A person can draw anything on paint with the help of his fingers. So, why to use mouse for painting.

Capture photos with fingers: why to take camera on your holiday and no tension for the photo space as this Sixth Sense computer will work like your camera. It caputes the photo, when you make a square with your fingers, highlighting which one you want to frame.

Phone Call:
You can call to your friend by typing the numbers on your hand. It display the keypad of the phone over your palm and the keys appears on the four finger... Use your another hand's finger to press the keys.
Check the brand of the Product:
It helps you to choose the best brand product from the super market.

Read Books easily: Check out the ratings of the Book you are going to buy, it checks the ratings from the internet. And another amazing thing is that it reads the book for you.. :)

Newspapers: Did you saw the moving pictures of the Newspaper in the movie Harry Patter, it is quite similar to it. It Searches the most appropriate video from the web by seeing the headlines or the caption of the News report.

Check your Flight Status: You can check the status of the flight while you are on Taxi. Just place the ticket in front of the projector and it checks its status from the internet.

While demonstrating the interface at TEDIndia Conference, Mistry told Rediff, “I don’t want this to comply with some corporate policy. I want people to make their own system. Why not?

Mistry also said, "Yes, I have made the SixthSense project open source. Not only have people begun to download the code and started playing with it, but they are also helping us making it better."

Mistry has written on the SixthSense blog: “The prototype system runs on Windows platform and majority of the code is written in C++ and C#. We will be uploading newer versions as it is being developed; this will also include a mobile version.”

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